So with the help of my trusty quilt elves, I made this:

Remember these fabrics? They’re from the “quilt throw-up” thrift store find in Redmond. For the piecing, I sewed 1 ½ by 2 ½ inch pieces 5 across then alternated them with white strips. It seemed fine and dandy in my head, but when I laid it all out it had a severe case of the blahs. That’s when my ever insightful two-year-old stepped in and saved the doll quilt day. I asked for her opinion as she listened patiently to my complaints and then came up with the genius suggestion of “put dat” (gestering to some leftover yarn from their scrap basket). Of course - embellishments! I swapped ric rac for yarn, but just the same…I credit her creative insight 100%.

For a brief moment in time, this quilt underwent an identity crisis as I thought about making 3 more and turning them into placemats (what was I thinking? ric rac on placemats to be used by 2- and 4-year-olds? Can you say, "permanently embedded food particles?"). Tip for sewing on tiny ric rac: watch the presser foot, NOT the needle. I got embarassingly dizzy doing the latter.
So it’s a go on doll quilts for me. Fun, fast, easy...I’m sold. Although I’m a little jealous of Miss Violet and her bebes, as they're the only ones small enough to reap the benefits of a 18 by 21 inch quilt.

Well, not quite the only ones…

BTW –check out this beautiful creation over on Rusted Buttons. Hand quilted and her very first quilt! Amazing!
Your daughter's got style - the ric rac finishes the quilt off perfectly. The dollies will be as snug as a bug in their bed now.
Great quilt....hmmm I can see the dolly quilt as a square in a big people quilt or for a kids bed...alternating with a square of horizontal stripes and vertical ones... different colours... endless possibilities! great ideas gals! And thanks for the link!
What a cute quilt. That little elf has great taste and great ideas.
That is just gorgeous. I love the ric rac. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog.
What a good idea to add the ric rac. You've got a serious crafting partner on your hands! Can't wait to see you doll quilt for the swap! Tracey :)
I LOVE it! Her dolls are cute, too!
*very* cute doll quilt -- love the rickrack! I'm in the Booty Swap and so am visiting all the swappers' blogs to see what everyone is up to. Looks like you're having lots of fun!
That is an adorable quilt. I also love the use of the ric rac. I'll have to keep that in mind for the ric rac I have waiting to be used. It is very sweet and I love the colours.
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