
and one more bit...

Me (after loud crash and cries erupt from next room): What happened?
Holden: I hurt myself.
Me: How did you hurt yourself?
Holden: Well. Esme and I were playing jumpstick and I landed on the jumpstick and hurt myself.
Me: Why is Esme crying?
Holden: Well. She was the jumpstick.

(I'm putting pressure on the visuals department around here to hurry up and post some pics!)


Amanda @ www.kiddio.org said...

What a great story! I can just see it in my mind (through my tears since I'm laughing so hard!)

Jessica said...

This makes me chuckle! I love what little kids come up with-they truly say the silliest things. I think that's why I chose a job as a speech pathologist-because all I do all day is talk to kids and listen to their stories!

Mary Beth said...

What a cutie! You can tell that story in years to come.

Mozi Esme said...

This is hilarious! I couldn't have thought that one up by myself ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Melissa! You were my first commenter from out in blogland--how exciting! It makes the world seem like a smaller place. The jumpstick story made me laugh. I think it you should keep it as a family metaphor--you know, when someone is treating someone less than well, the victim can say, "Hey, I don't want to be your jumpstick!"

Anonymous said...

That's very funny!