Forget to sign ballot, find it returned with a big "you forgot to sign your ballot, dumbass" note on it: check
Sign ballot, resend: check (whew!)
Switch Pandora radio from Bob Dylan to John Denver: check
Stay far, far away from the politi-mercials bombarding our brains: check
Hope with all my heart that tomorrow brings good news: double check
Also on the to-do list: gear up for my next adventure in crafting...

My BFF and I will be participating in Crafty Wonderland, Portland's ultra-cool indie craft fair, on Nov 9. That's this fracken Sunday (ack!) so I plan on having my nose to presser foot this week. I know I ask this alot, but wish me luck!! And if you're in PDX, come visit me, my bff and our little 4x4 foot space chock full of crafty goodliness!
How fun! I wish I would be nearby. . . but no :( What are you making? I'm sure you will post - Speedy sewing to you!
good luck. im jealous. i want to go to an ultra cool indie craft fair now! (imagine me saying that in my best veruca salt voice.)
awwww - good luck!!! oh, wait, hey - i need the luck too! ;)
Good luck at the Craft Fair! Wish I was close enough to stop by and hassle ya! :)
If I was anywhere relatively close to Portland I would be there...but I guess I will just send you oodles of good luck!
How fun for you! Enjoy every last second of it!
i wish i could come say hi at your sale!!
have a good one!
oh now that sounds like a blast to me....ohhhh my!
have fun :o)
if i lived closer I would SOOO be there! Good luck! let us know how it goes.
I so wish I was closer. I'd love to stop by. I need to find out if there are any like this closer to me.
Good luck with your craft fair - sounds like fun!
There's an award on my post today for you...
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