Today's Soulemama's post describing seasonal changes brought The Story of the Root Children to mind. We have a few different versions of the story, but the 'quilted fairytale,' with its amazingly intricate detail and endearing story of how the quilt came to be, is a favorite.

The story follows the seasonal procession of Mother Earth's children as they awaken from a winter's sleep, bloom into Spring flowers, frolic above-ground in the Summer sun and then proceed back into the earth upon Autumn's arrival. Their prep-work for Spring includes brushing the bumblebees and applying new coats of paint to the ladybugs. So cute!
"The ladybirds, the beetles, the grubs and the bumble-bees had also been sleeping under the ground and had now woken up. They had to be washed and brushed, painted colourfully and made to shine so that they would look as beautiful as possible."

And in crafty news...Crafty Wonderland was a success! Lots of cool vendors, great turnout and much giggling under the WhatKnot banner as my BFF and I attempted to come up with a name for her soon-to-be etsy shop.

I plan on adding new items to my shop as soon as I'm caught up on the culmination of domestic duties that got pushed under the rug last week (and as soon as I find my camera which is hopefully buried under the craftshow aftermath somewhere?!). Stay tuned!
Looks like a good time at the Craft show. I hope you did well.
Congratulations on the craft show!
We have the Mother Earth and her Children book and I love it, but we don't have the Root Children (may have to add it to my list!)
love those books! do you think that artist is arthur rackham??? me loves hims!!! but me loves yous more!!!! when's our next show?!
Your stall looks great. And that banner - so cool! Is giving me lots of ideas for my market stall this Sunday ;)
what fun! I've always wanted to do that :o)
those books look really fun! Your booth looks like a great time, i love to shop!
I was invited to join one in two weeks, but I can't get enough together beforehand . . . I'll live vicariously through others like you!
I am writing those books down for our library trip. They look fantastic...can't belive I have never seen them before. Thanks!
it all looks wonderful! so glad you had a great time!
Oh, how have I never seen the new version of The Root Children? I've read the original many, many times to all three of my kids. I think I'll order the quilted version--for me! Thanks for pointing it out!
Glad you had fun at Craft Wonderland. It's great for Mamas to get away now and again, isn't it?
looks super cute!!!
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