Our sweet niece celebrated her very first birthday this past weekend. We partied it up, one-year-old style, with birthday cake in our eyebrows and all.

And I finally get to share the secret project I've been working on for awhile (right on up to the last second before Brian dragged me from my sewing machine to leave for the party). See? I told you this was a craft blog!

True to form, I seriously underestimated the amount of time this soft book would take to complete. So much so, that the entire last page is missing [ahem].

But baby Sydney didn't seem to mind and happily chewed away on it as is. Mission accomplished (and many thanks to grommet boy for saving the soft book day!)

I also made these party favors for the kiddos (and some adulto's) to remember the occasion: little envelopes filled with echinacea seeds. I tied the bows in the car on the way there and nearly tossed my carsick cookies. But it was all worth it to think that a new little flower may pop up and reveal her bright, sweet face somewhere and remind someone of our equally sweet-faced little niece.

It's been months since my poor kids last saw the sun, so they appropriately ran screaming with their hands flapping in the air for most of the party.

Aside from the time they spent devouring birthday cake.

And here's the money pic - the screensaver that the grandparents have been waiting for all their lives... The one- two- and four-year-old grandchildren, all in one picture and not freaking out, crying or beating on each other. Priceless.
What a truly gorgeous gift.
Absolutely lovely.
It looked like a great party nd fab weather.
I am jealous sat here in the cold cloudy UK.
I laughed at the craft blog bit! We're just broadening the definition of craft.
I love that soft book, what a perfect and thoughtful gift. I also like the party favors. You're a great auntie!
What a cutie...and what a wonderful gift...those books are hard to do...great job :o)
Love that messy face! And that book looks marvelous.
One of my FAVORITE childhood gifts ever (that I still own to this day) was a handmade fabric book from my aunt Linda. I got it as a gift for one of my first birthdays and cherished it for years.
I love the book; looks like a big project. So nice of you to give it away!
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