Mama's bag...

Although she's not technically a mama (yet), I made this purse for my BFF from Soulemama's newest craft book. Such an easy, instant gratification kind of project. My fave. I used some thrifted heavy-weight fabric for the outer material and...had enough left over to cut out an EXACT MATCH for myself. Ahem. So my BFF's purse will have a BFF of its own.

From a trip to our wonderful, practically-backyard Rhodie garden.
And, home haircut...

Not as memorable as these haircuts (the latter, of which, Tracey so graciously recalled for me. Thanks Tracey!) But Holden's been growing his hair out for yikes, well over a year?? I cut off 8 inches, not quite the 10 inches that we hoped he had for Locks of Love. But oh well...there's always next year (he decided to grow his hair out again, after a mere 5 minutes post-haircut).
Some things never, ever change around this Whatknot household...