Kitty's forlorn. Her tendency as of late to cry/howl at 3am has found her exiled to backyard overnight campouts instead of our nice warm bed and snuggly necks to cuddle up within, her obvious preference. We love and adore her, but I've done my time with the middle-of-the-night-pacing-the-floor-getting-baby-back-to-sleep routine that I'm not about to revisit with this overly mew-y 18-year-old(!)

So for now, we're enjoying our sleep wonderful sleep before welcoming her back inside once the nighttime temps turn nippy.
To make it up to her, the kids and I made her these catnip toys.

The kids drew their designs with fabric markers on scrap linen pieces and picked out a backing fabric (and in Esme's case, fringe). I cut them out and sewed the pieces together leaving room to stuff with fiberfill and catnip. Fast and easy (which is what craft time has been about these days).

Is kitty appeased? You be the judge:

[And no worries as to kitty's health. We ruled out medical issues when after her first few not-so-sweet midnight serenades a quick pat on the head produced a most contented little fuzzy grey purr machine. We thus concluded that she was incorrigibly lonely. Sigh]
Kitty looks happy! I love animals - but don't do them in my bedroom. . . I get you! :)
What, do you have the feline fountain of youth spewing in your back yard? Your cat looks insanely great, never mind for its age!
You are so good about doing projects with your little ones! Love their artwork! I must remember to bust out the fabric markers soon.
And I am not a cat person so don't tell anyone what I am about to say, those before/after photos of your cat are adorable!
I remember the kitty all too well and understand why you have put her outside. It was nice of you to do something for her.
Poor kitty! Though this looks like lots of fun!
awwwwww - poor shunned-from-the-house-overnight stimpstimp :(
omg. how cute are those toys....
We love our Grandkitty
K & Tutu
Oh, the cuteness!!
Hi. I noticed your comment on another blog where you said you did not know what a knitter meant when they said they were going to "frog" something they have made. I thought I make this my random act of kindness today and explain what it means...it is a slang term for unraveling something that has been knit or crocheted due to the fact that you grab the yarn and you "rip it, rip it, rip it."
Oh, and I love your kitty! Have a nice day! :-D
cute and fun!!!
Our kitty used to wake us up to usually by trying to sleep on our head. We moved her outside too and now she doesn't want to come in except during the day to sleep. She does seem much happier this way.
So cute for your kids to make kitty some toys ;-) She looks very happy with them!
uh huh, my kitty (15# tabby) also gets incredibly lonely at 3 a.m. and walks on my hair to wake me. I'm not a cat! What part of that doesn't he get? I'm supposed to be sleeping at 3 a.m. He gets booted off the bed and I keep shoving him off 'til he stops trying to get back on. Can't ban him to the backyard as he's an indoor kitty.
Oh this is straight up GENIUS! I love this idea!!! I'll be linking to this in the Daily DIY.
This idea is wonderful. It's a shame that my two kitties could not care less about catnip. But they love their jingle balls--which is equally fun.
that is a great idea. thanks
Nice to be here and see your post!
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