
Meet Pear Bear

Originally uploaded by melmelmel.

This is my newest most favoritest creature...Pear Bear (so named for his loveable Pear-y shape). M&D bought him on their honeymoon, and I have since adopted him as my 'peary' own. PB and I do everything together...read, eat, sleep, push buttons, wave bye-bye...and PB even has his very own taggie to sleep with at night. And daddy loves when I 'talk' my PB (since daddy doesn't speak PBese, he doesn't know that Pear Bear is actually making fun of him).

Pear Bear has recently gotten into a bit of trouble, because it seems he can't keep his peary little paws off the newly assembled Christmas tree. How can you blame him??? Something so big, fuzzy and sparkly just screams to be grabbed, shaken and drooled upon. How can you expect a toddler...errr, a PEAR BEAR to stay away from such an amazing object?

Anyway, just wanted to post a quick hi to introduce my buddy and give a sneak peak at this year's Christmas Card pic. Watch your mailbox for a Christmas Cow near you!!!


Words Words.

Still no pictures because daddy is in charge of pictures and he's frantically trying to get the basement ready for our new carpet tomorrow! Once that's done, I promise to post some pics...even if I have to take over the picture transferring process my very own self!!

Gamma sent me a Christmas book today (thanks gamma!) I was convinced that the white bearded man in the red suit was Gampa and ignored mama's insistance that it was some guy named Santa Claws. It was so obviously Gampa, I don't know what mama's been smoking.

For all you that have been asking about new baby's name, we've decided to name her KICKY. All she does is kick kick kick all day and night and even gave me a good kick in the ribs tonight when we were reading our nigh-nigh books. Sibling rivalry is already beginning...

Good night allllllllllll!


Shucky Ducky

Originally uploaded by melmelmel.
Well this is an old picture, but I feel bad that I haven't blogged lately and I have SOOOOO much to update you on. So, here's a kernal to keep you entertained while I get my vacation and Halloween pics organized. I will tell you that I've been busy sprouting some new eyeteeth lately. Boy were they the buggeriest of all teeth to break through. The bottom ones are in and I fought my whole entire naptime with the top ones (that's right, no nap for me today!!!)

So I promise I will get those pics together and share with you my wonderful and not-so-wonderful holiday adventures!!
